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Explore provides an overview of published Nodes: those most recently published as well as a curated selection of popular or impactful Nodes published by others.
The Explore page will be more interactive, aiding in quality control and personalisation, with features such as:
Communities - for curation and specialist attestations of published works, according to the community's set standards
- quality markers, dedicated to specific qualities a Node (or component in a Node) holds. E.g. a Node containing data that holds all FAIR properties can get a FAIR Data Attestation Badge.
More on validation and curation by communities if found in the section Validate and Curate
More information on browsing in Explore can be found here:
In development: Node Curation/Journals In the future, you will be able to subscribe to certain Nodes curation communities/journals, that will present a selection of their favourite nodes, curated according to their own principles.
For example Nodes that use particularly FAIR data, high quality publications in a particular field, or Nodes that have particularly interesting new ideas that challenge the status-quo.
These will be shown on the Explore page - giving you the option to tailor your Explore page to your interests.
Last updated