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Explore provides an overview of published Nodes: those most recently published as well as a curated selection of popular or impactful Nodes published by others.

Your Explore overview is the 'front page' of Nodes, and where you can explore published Nodes. Whenever you open up the app, you will land here. You can access Explore at any time by clicking the explore icon on the top left of the left side panel.


The Explore page will be more interactive, aiding in quality control and personalisation, with features such as:

  • Communities - for curation and specialist attestations of published works, according to the community's set standards

  • - quality markers, dedicated to specific qualities a Node (or component in a Node) holds. E.g. a Node containing data that holds all FAIR properties can get a FAIR Data Attestation Badge.

More on validation and curation by communities if found in the section Validate and Curate

More information on browsing in Explore can be found here:


In development: Node Curation/Journals In the future, you will be able to subscribe to certain Nodes curation communities/journals, that will present a selection of their favourite nodes, curated according to their own principles.

For example Nodes that use particularly FAIR data, high quality publications in a particular field, or Nodes that have particularly interesting new ideas that challenge the status-quo.

These will be shown on the Explore page - giving you the option to tailor your Explore page to your interests.

Last updated