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Feedback & Contact

Support • Bugs • Feedback

Report Bugs or Submit Feedback

This is a first version: DeSci Nodes is currently still under heavy development. This means two things.

  1. We would love and appreciate your feedback;

  2. You may experience bugs in the software.


DeSci Nodes is being built for researchers. That's why your voice really matters. Please help us build the best scientific publishing software out there by sharing your feedback with us. If you run into any issues, don't know where to find something, or are missing a key feature, please do let us know via the button in the bottom right corner. If there's no specific bug you are describing, feel free to ignore the pre-filled format and just let us know what you think.

We will ask for your contact details so that we can inform you that we received your feedback, the status of handling it, and can get back to you in case there's any questions about it.

Bug Reports

If you do happen to run into bugs, please make use of the button in the bottom right corner.

automatically takes a screenshot for you to help our dev team understand which part of the app you were in while you experienced the bug. Please follow the pre-filled format of the bug report.

Steps to reproduce: Please describe as precisely as you can, what exactly you were doing right before the bug occured.

Actual result: What happened after you did what you did?

Expected result: What should have happenened instead?

We will ask you for your contact info so we can get back to you if there are any questions about your feedback.

Request Hands-On Support

For any larger issues, or in case something really unexpected happened, please do not hesitate to contact our support team via the dedicated Support Channel on our Discord Community.

If you do not use Discord, feel free to send us and email at Please try to describe your issue in as much detail as possible, and provide screenshots if helpful.

Last updated