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Add Metadata

Metadata • FAIR • Licenses

DeSci Nodes are FAIR-enabling technology. With Nodes it is easy to meet FAIR data standards by providing the relevant metadata to your work. When it comes to FAIR, metadata (the description of your data) is just as important as the actual data (artefacts) you are publishing.

Add Metadata (optional)

To add metadata to a component, in your Node Workspace open up the Information Panel on the right by clicking the icon in the address bar. You can add descriptions and licensing, as well as keywords to your component. Adding metadata is optional and we hope to automate as much of this as possible soon.


Give your component a title.


Here you can enter a short, textual, description of your Node component. For example its main function or contribution to the Node in a broader sense.

Since Licensing is a topic with more extensive information, please see the separate section on it. Add License

If you used a CEDAR metadata template to provide metadata for your component, you can link it here.

Ontology URL

Ontology URL: Specify the URL pointing to the relevant ontology utilized to categorize or define the component. This URL should lead to a resource providing detailed information about the ontology, facilitating clear understanding and proper contextualization of the component's categorization and semantic associations.


Provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the component. Describe its purpose, functionality, and significance within the context of the research object. Aim for clarity and relevance, ensuring that the description accurately reflects the content and intent of the component.


Enter keywords you think are appropriate, to help with identifying, sorting and curating your work. Some guidelines for picking keywords can be found here and here, for example. In short from the second link: "A good rule of thumb is to use 4-6 keywords, preferably from a standardized list or database, such as MeSH, IEEE [who have great Thesaurus and Taxonomy lists], or Scopus. Avoid using words that are too general, vague, or ambiguous, such as "study", "analysis", or "model". Also, avoid using words that are already in your title, as they are redundant and waste valuable space."

To separate keywords, hit enter.

Controlled Vocabulary

Specify the predetermined set of terms or phrases used to describe this component. Utilizing a controlled vocabulary ensures consistency and precision in metadata representation. Select terms from established vocabularies or ontologies relevant to the subject matter, enhancing searchability and interoperability across datasets. Aim to adhere to established standards and guidelines for controlled vocabulary usage to promote effective data discovery and integration.

Component Type and Subtype

Components can have four Types: Document, Data, Code, and Link. When you upload a component, DeSci Nodes automatically assigns it a type based on the file extension. You may change the Type here if there was a mistake, or provide a more granular subtype (e.g., "Preprint" for a Document component).

DeSci Nodes has been designed to ensure that your publication meets FAIR standards. You won't be able to publish if you have not provided a description and license for each of your components. Keywords are optional. However, they do help increase the discoverability of your work.

Last updated