Benefits of using Nodes

Community • Funders • Self

How does posting my research on Nodes benefit the scientific community?

Open science, reproducible research, and FAIR digital research objects serve the scientific community...

... and the world at large by contributing to an accessible, transparent and trustworthy scientific record. The implementation of FAIR principles also has the potential for substantial time and cost savings, and to accelerate scientific research. Our goal is to make it easy for your community to re-use your work by providing powerful computational methods to operate with your code, data, and other resources.

Will my funders or employer care if I use Nodes?

Funders care about FAIR data (e.g. European Commission) and open science (e.g. White House OSTP Memo).

While Nodes is still in early stage development,the incentives are aligned. Nodes are built to make it easy and rewarding for scientists to follow open science and FAIR mandates.

How does posting my work on Nodes benefit me?

Nodes are your personal research archive. You and your colleagues can access your code, data, manuscripts etc., all in one place.

Nodes also help you to comply with your data management plan and funding mandates for open science (e.g. the White House OSTP Memo). Preprint platforms took off because they created incentive alignment by accelerating the pace of citation accrual. Our hypothesis is that by enabling FAIR digital research objects combined with powerful computational methods, researchers will accrue citations sooner and at a higher rate because of ease of re-useability. Last but not least, we encourage you to use Nodes in support of journal article submissions. You can earn trust from journal editors and referees by making your data, code, and other research artifacts accessible from the beginning, helping you to publish your work in the journals that matter most to you.

Last updated