Add Comments
Comment • Annotate • Manuscript • Workspace
Last updated
Comment • Annotate • Manuscript • Workspace
Last updated
Annotate your manuscript to provide additional context or hyperlinks to other components of your Node.
To add a comment to a PDF, hit the highlighter icon at the bottom of the Viewersection. Select the area you want the comment to relate to, by clicking and dragging across the section of the PDF you would like to annotate.
Watch the Comment Editor pop up and start typing. When you're done, hit . The note will appear as a highlighted section on your document. Click on it to open the comment in the Information panel on the right.
You can also open all your comments in the Comment panel, by clicking on the pencil icon at the top left section of the Information panel.
Once the comment section is open you can click on the comments to Edit or Delete them.
When clicking the '+' comment button, the comment panel on the right will open, with the selected text readily quoted in the comment section. You can add more text, links, etc. here to add context, explanations, sources, etc.
See the video below for a demonstration:
With comments, you can make your Node interactive. As an example, you can provide the link to the code that was used to produce a certain figure in your manuscript. To do so:
follow the same instructions as inserting a comment. You can add text to describe the nature of the connection.
To edit or delete an annotation, open the Comment Panel by clicking on the comment bubble in the component, or choose the pencil icon at the top of the Node Workspaceon the right.
Annotations can only be permanently deleted from a draft. If the annotation has been part of an already published Node, deleting it will only lead to the annotation not showing up in the most recent version of your Node. It will still be available in the older versions in which it was published.
Alternatively, you can select text in the pdf and use the button that pops up to add a comment to the selected text.
Then hit '+ Node Drive' in the Comment Editor section.
Select the correct component from the dropdown and hit 'Insert', to create the link.
When you're done, hit 'Save', .
In the Comment Panel, hover over the comment you want to edit. Select 'Edit' which pops up in the top right corner of the comment box. This will open up the Annotation Editor where you can make changes in the same way as above.
In the IDE comment panel, hover over the comment you want to delete. Select Delete which pops up in the top right corner of the comment box. Hit to confirm and done!